The RealSTATs system gives you access to every real estate sale in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington & Westmoreland Counties since 1987* and is updated weekly electronically. With RealSTATs, you are able to perform neighborhood analysis, track new construction sales, detect market trends and monitor players in the market. Some of the details provided for each sale include seller, buyer, property address, buyer mailing address, sale price, date of sale, property description and tax assessment. The RealSTATs system also indicates whether a property is over or under assessed and shows the resulting property tax implications.
The RealSTATs program offers eight pre-formatted reports and includes the ability to calculate statistics in twelve different categories, including statistics by county, municipality, plan, census tract, organization, year and quarter. Statistics can be calculated on any numeric field including sale price, state stamp and tax assessment.
The RealSTATs software allows you to search by any of the following criteria:
Party |
Property/Description |
Individual Name |
Use Code |
Organization Name |
Property Description |
Number of Stories |
Location |
Type of Exterior Walls |
County |
Area |
Region |
Frontage |
Municipality |
Plan |
Sales Criteria |
Street Address |
Sales Price |
Map Number/Lot & Block |
State Stamp |
Cencus Tract |
Deed Date |
Plan Book Volume & Page |
State Stamp |
Transaction Type |
Deed Book Volume & Page |
Instrument Number |
*-Washington & Westmoreland Counties, since 1993; Subscription areas may not include all areas